Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I wish.....

I wish I could

Put away everything -

This life, these experiences,

The emotions, the challenges -


And curl up and sleep,

Floating gently on the waters of Life....


Vishwa said...

can't wish away life
however much we wish we could
especially in trying times

Meena said...

True, Vishwa! Just thinking aloud:)

Breeze said...

Meena... This is how exactly I also wish many a times to forget about everything and simply curl up & Sleep.. I just read all of your blogs..Very nice.. Here is another admirer of your blog .Raj Manickam :)

Breeze said...

Meena... Yeah many a times I too felt the same way...Unwind everything... Curl up and sleep.. But unfortunately not even did it once...always running around... I just read all of your blogs...Here is another admirer of your blogs.. so nice...Guess who...Raj Manickam :)

Meena said...

Thank you, Raj:)! How did you find my blog? Padman?

Breeze said...

Courtesy .Facebook recommendations..Your name popped up in my to be friends' list. I saw your link in your facebook profile.. A click on this link took me to your innerscapes and made me glued to my computer until I finished reading all of your blogs..