Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Milestone

I am a year old today, on Blogger!

Just a year ago, I started this blog, having no clue what I was going to write, who would read it, and if anyone would read it at all. Still, it was an opportunity to do what I love best – to write.

However, unlike my husband, I shied away from marketing my blog. While he told everyone about his blog, I kept quiet unless I was persuaded to tell them my blog address.(No, I have nothing against marketing. It just isn't me,that's all.) And yet, you came, all of you came and read my posts, and sometimes left comments. I have found some wonderful friends, even if I have not met most of them in person.

Unlike other prolific bloggers, I have not reached my 50th or 100th post; this is only my 20th! But it feels great when I am missed; when you come and visit my blog to see if I have updated it. It makes me carry on, even when I have nothing to write about, or when I start doubting if I can write at all.

Thanks, guys and gals, thank you for your encouraging words and comments. And those of you, who came and did not comment, thank you too. By just visiting my blog, you give me the strength and courage to carry on, to keep the writer in me alive!

image - birthday cake.


Well Wisher said...

Congratulations! We're fortunate you did not abandon this blog. It's one place I visit frequently and each time I go out with my brain set to work. There's variety in your work; spirituality, philosophy, relationships,behaviour, lifestyle, emotions, nostalgia, ecology, etc. - all very thought provoking. So much from that little brain of your's. If only I too had brain stuff like you. (Sorry for being jealous). Subject matter besides, one thing I always admire is your language - good command, very expressive and beautiful. I also see a lot of warmth in your writings - I can see the person that you are - lot of love and concern for people. Keep writing and touch more lives and reach more landmarks. You may not know it, but through this medium you are making a difference to people's lives.

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some people move our souls to dance.
They awaken us to understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon.
They stay in our lives for a while,
leave footprints on our hearts,
and we are never, ever the same."
And Meena, your 'favourite blogs' is quite a list. I especially like Swahilya's and Vishwa's blogs. Thanks for the links.

Keep going. ALL THE BEST TO YOU.

Cynic in Wonderland said...

appy buddayto blog. and here's to many, many more.

Vishwa said...

Happy birthday :-). Or should I say, Happy birthday, innerscapes!!!

I guess, I'd have quit blogging, or atleast slowed down considerably if it were not for the encouragement and prodding of those who visited and left comments. It's cool to say that we write just for ourselves, for our creative expression, etc, but without the recepients, without any audience, any creative endeavour tends to wither away. It's the mutual participation of the creator and the audience which keeps the endeavour alive. The audience is the food and water of such an expression. So hats off to them.
Blogging is such a wonderful medium; it has removed all the middlemen( editors, proof readers, advertisers ) between the writer and the readers. And it's so good to touch someone, in some remote corner of the world, with just a few heartfelt words, and also listen to what he/she feels about this expression. Long live blogging. And here's wishing more power to your creative expression.

Meena said...

@Joshi: Thanks! You flatter me!Thank you for the encouragement.

@Cynic: Thanks for your wishes:-)

@ Vishwa: Thank you. You are right, blogging is a wonderful way to connect, without any middlemen. The world has truly grown smaller with this medium of creative expression.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Congrats!!!Keep it coming!!

Meena said...

Thanks, Padmaja :-)